We'd like to say a big welcome to our new staff members

  • David - Keyworker

David will be working alongside our existing keyworkers Sue and Laura, to work with and provide the young people accommodated in RUSH the support they need, assess their individual needs and ensure appropriate & intensive support is tailored to assist Young People manage their tenancy and achieve their goals.

  • Rob, Sharon & Lauren - Casual Support Workers

Rob, Sharon and Lauren will work flexibly as part of our team here at RUSH when needed, working alongside our existing support workers they will help ensure cleanliness and security of the building and provide support to the young people.

  • Naomi - Support worker

Naomi will be working as part a team of Support workers here at RUSH ensuring the security of the young people and the building, as well as providing support and engagement to the young people we accommodate here at RUSH.

Welcome guys we are so lucky to have you on board. Working hard for the young people here at RUSH