Rush House is a charitable organisation providing a range of accommodation and support services including advice and independent living skills training to young people aged 16-25.
we have key values that are intrinsic to everything that we do which were developed by staff, service users and trustees. We believe that what sets us aside from other providers is our focus and belief in having service users involved in development and delivery of their services.
TRUST – trust in each other and staff. Staff trusting you. Earning, deserving and keeping trust with people.
RESPECT – Respect people as well as peoples’ things, privacy, culture, religion, gender, sexuality and choices.
STABILITY – Positive environment, feeling safe and secure in Rush House.
EQUALITY & DIVERSITY – Everyone is equal but also different and accepting that people are people regardless of age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability or culture.
UNITY – Everyone working together; staff, service users, volunteers, board members and the community.
BELIEF of CHANGE – We believe in second chances and that everyone has the capacity to learn and develop. We are all human.