Student and Work Placements
At Rush House we are very proud and privileged to have hosted a number of student and work placements from local educational facilities such as Rotherham College of Arts and Technology, The University of Hull and Lifeskills. Our most recent student placements have come from Sheffield Hallam University and The University of Sheffield. Whilst we have worked with local universities before, offering placements to Social Work students, this last year has seen us build links with other faculties within those establishments which has brought some exciting new opportunities. In December of 2018 and 2019 we have welcomed students from the Medical School of The University of Sheffield. These students are placed in a variety of organisations across the area with the view to developing their knowledge and understanding of the different types of “patient” they will meet in whatever branch of medicine they enter into. In addition to this they also have to produce a piece of work for the host organisation that is to be of benefit to them. We are so incredibly happy to have been a part of Kate, Flora and Becky’s journey to becoming medical professionals and are so very pleased that because of them our young people now have resources available to them that they didn’t have before with our “Mental Health Matters” and “Your Health Matters” booklets.
2019 also saw us open our doors to 2 students from the Education, Psychology and Counselling degree at Sheffield Hallam University. Naomi and Faizah came to us every Thursday and Friday throughout November and into December and were a great asset to their course. Again they were able to gain an insight into how organisations like Rush help vulnerable young people which both said had really had an impact on their aspirations. A fabulous addition to our team – we have missed them since they returned to uni but wish them both every success in the future.
Helping Others Made Easy (Rotherham Emergency Help)
Helping Others Made Easy (H.O.M.E.) is a campaign to make it easier for the public to help others who find themselves rough sleeping or begging. The campaign is supported by local charities, Rotherham Council, and other services who work together to help people make long-term, positive changes. Please download the H.O.M.E leaflet for contact information, help and advice below, or visit for information on how to make a donation to help combat homelessness.
Shiloh Rotherham

Shiloh is a charity that offers support to adults who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
Shiloh is a day centre based in Ferham, Rotherham, and open 3 days a week offering support to homeless people in Rotherham.
Steve, our Deputy Manager often attends Shiloh to offer support and guidance on sourcing accommodation to the ‘Guests’ who attend. Steve also attends the monthly ‘Rough Sleeper Network Meeting’ with services such as SY Police, RMBC, CGL & Probation services, to tackle the issue and support those who are rough sleeping.
Rotherham Children, Young People and Families Consortium

We are members of Rotherham’s Children, Young Peoples and Families’ consortium which is made up of a group of voluntary sector organisations from within the borough. The consortium is jointly chaired by our CEO. Members believe in the benefits of working together and so the Consortium is led and controlled by its members.
Members are committed to putting the needs and views of children, young people and families at the centre of their work. Consortium members act together to increase knowledge and good practice among members, represent the views of its members and their service users and so exert influence and change for the better, develop new projects and excellent services. At Rush House we are passionate about the voice and influence of all those who use our services and this is recognised and acknowledged by the number of other agencies who invite us to collaborate on pieces of work.
We contribute at a strategic level through our involvement in the CYP&F consortium where our CEO is Chair and discuss safeguarding/wellbeing issues relating to the voluntary sector and its work with partners in Rotherham. The Group is acknowledged as a special interest group by the Local Safeguarding Children Board for the Consortium. Rush House’s CEO is the VCS representative on the RLSCB. The Service Manager has also frequently attended forums and events held by Rotherham Local Safeguarding Children’s Board and contributed to their ongoing development.
Working Together 2018/Section 11 - Rush House have been Section 11 compliant since 2014 and have recently worked with RLSCB staff to develop the digital version of Section 11 and our CEO has been a key player in introducing this to members of the CYPF consortium and supporting them through the process. More recently we have been asked to support the CSE app working group by meeting with Gary Ridgeway, Assistant Director (CSE investigations, RMBC) to discuss the app and potential issues that may arise. The app is used to report through intelligence which staff think could be CSE related. Rush House were the first organization in Rotherham to use the app to report through intelligence linked to CSE.
Different But Equal Board (managed by Rotherham CYPF Consortium)
Different But Equal Board who are an amazing group of young people doing some amazing work in Rotherham!

Our Story So far:
Our journey began with the recognition that there was no systematic inclusion of the voice of the child/young person in our systems and structures. Voluntary and Community sector organisations with statutory partners came together to further this, to share good practice and influence the practice of others and formed the Voice and Influence Partnership. What young people were saying at the same time was that they wanted to come together to talk about issues affecting them, to look at what services were out there and what the gaps were with a view to impacting upon services provided for them. So we brought young people together, the Different but Equal board was formed.
Our Vision
That when a plan or decision affects children and young people they are involved at the outset and throughout in shaping that plan and decision. The Different But Equal Board will work alongside young people and practitioners in order for this vision to become a reality.
Our Mission
To train and advise on how to involve children and young people meaningfully and inclusively in planning and decision making that affects them and to produce good practice guides in order that this is shared and implemented thereby creating a voice and influence centre of excellence.
Housing related groups
Over the years Rush House have built up excellent relationships with partner agencies based in local communities and with our neighbours. We encourage all our young people to become part of their local community but recognise this can be difficult for some. We will offer support and encouragement and where necessary and appropriate will accompany them to local ‘events’.

In recent years our tenants have been supported to become part of Rotherham Housing improvement panel (lead by RMBC). This has given young people the opportunity to say what they want from the local authority housing dept and to contribute to wider developments. Recently a member of staff and young person from Rush House accompanied RMBC to the TPAS accreditation awards in Manchester and were presented with an award.

Rush House staff also support young people to RotherFed Tenant Scrutiny meetings. A report “Investigation into Engaging Young Tenants in Rotherham” was completed in early 2017 and young people from Rush House services played a major part in contributing to this. The final report including recommendations in order of priority was presented to RMBC Housing and Neighbourhood Senior Management Team and Improving Places Select Commission meeting.
We will continue to be involved in community type events where we feel it would be of longer term benefit to the young people we support.

South Yorkshire Police, Rotherham IAG – This group was formed in early 2018 and is chaired by Rush House CEO. The group is made up of volunteer advisers whose role it is to monitor, observe or advise on aspects of policing, both in terms of functions and policies of SYP or the PCC and the way in which both interact with the broader community with the aim of improving the quality of policing services to all communities.