We provide high quality, fully furnished accommodation across the Rotherham Borough with access to 24-7 staff support and dedicated 1:1 keyworker support.

Lindum Terrace
This service is commissioned by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council and delivered in partnership with Roundabout Ltd to provide supported accommodation to homeless and vulnerable 16-25 year olds. At Lindum Terrace we offer 12 self-contained, fully furnished rooms 9 of which have their own kitchen with the benefit of onsite communal lounge/garden and access to 24-7 staff support. The remaining 3 rooms have access to a large communal kitchen. We are based within walking distance of Rotherham town centre with easy transport links across South Yorkshire and beyond. 2-3 hours of directed 1:1 time each week with an allocated keyworker to focus on preparation for independence and developing skills for life. Referrals are via RMBC Key choices .

Residents Lounge at Lindum Terrace
Recently Rush was awarded £500 from Rotherham Round Table to refurbish and redecorate our residents lounge. Staff and residents worked together to purchase new furniture and redecorate the lounge (which residents achieved AQA certificates in painting and decorating) and we were privileged to have it ‘officially opened’ by the Mayor of Rotherham Counsellor Jenny Andrews.

Dispersed Housing

Our dispersed housing offers 15 fully furnished bed spaces across the Rotherham Borough, some within self-contained single occupancy flats and others within 2 bed shared houses. Access to 24-7 staff support via our LT site in addition to 2-3 hours of directed 1:1 time each week with an allocated keyworker to focus on preparation for independence and developing skills for life. We will accept referrals from across the Yorkshire and Humber region from any local authority seeking placement for Looked After Children and/or Children Leaving Care aged 16-25.
All those accommodated within Rush House accommodation services have access to targeted support around accessing employment, education and training opportunities either via our Engagement and Development worker or via our EET services (Brighter Futures, Smiles for Miles) as well as having access to our Skills for Life support services.
All young people accommodated with us are required to complete the APOYO Pre Tenancy training before moving on to their own tenancies.
Our aim is to support individuals develop their independent living skills and understanding of how to manage a tenancy so that they may move on into their own longer term accommodation and become active members of their community.
For more information about any of our services please telephone 01709 369295 or via our Contact page.